When you love her…

Love is a language we all speak. It is universal. It is visceral. It gives us a sense of significance. But a love misunderstood with ego destroys a life of purpose. I was once a boy. I was once in love. And I was attached to the feelings. It was addictive. It was self-centered. It was unquenching. It was a zig and zag road. My entire existence I have mistaken it for truly loving. It was painful. It was dull. And it was unnecessary.

An open Letter to my future Bride

Happiness is dancing in the rhythm of your soul. That is why I encourage you to fill your life with experiences that will nourish your inner being. I urge you to be whole in the love of God. I know life may throw a different game at you, and I am sorry for not being there (yet). But take heart and grow in faith. Let us find our path towards maturity that we may never rely on each other for validation. Neither you nor I can complete each other for in the love of Christ; We are already made whole.